Your Website: Stock Images vs. Local Photos

Which photo types are the best for your business’ website?

Though stock photos can be tastefully used, at MLT Group we always encourage our clients to use photos unique to their business. Initially, stock images may seem like the best choice: they are sometimes cheaper, more readily available, and usually high quality. Sounds perfect, right? Before you decide, consider the benefits of having a photo shoot unique to your business and operations.

1) Photos look more natural and are relevant to your business.

2) Unique photos reinforce that you are a local business.

3) You legally own the photos used on your website.

4) No other business will have the same photos that you do.

5) You can garner trust from customers by using local photos.

Imagine a customer checks out your website before visiting your business, then walks in to find the same person on the home page greeting customers at the door. Your local branding and recognition is immediately reinforced by your digital presence!

At MLT Group, we provide a full range of services to help you make your new website look fantastic. From web design and development to photography and video services, we can help you with all of your digital and traditional marketing needs. For more information, please contact or call our office at 507.281.3490.



Is Your Website Design Affecting Your Bottom Line?

Your online presence and website design can impact your brick and mortar business!

digital marketing picHaving a credible looking website is extremely important. An outdated, cluttered website can create a negative customer experience and cause customers to spend their money elsewhere.

Your website design is a key part of your digital marketing strategy; its design is where real world marketing meets the internet. The impression you leave on your online customers translates into how they view your business in real life. Does your website make you look like a credible business or like you’re still doing business in the 90’s?


What makes your website look credible to users?

1) Make sure your website is arranged in a user-friendly format

2) Place the most important information “above the fold”

3) Ensure your design looks like quality, professional work

4) Leverage a blog to show expertise in your field

Don’t get stuck in the past! If you need a website redesign to keep up with technological advancements, contact or call the MLT Group office at 507.281.3490. We’d be happy to provide you with a quote or more information about our many traditional and digital marketing services.


MLT Group Team Member Attends Forbes Under 30 Summit

MLT Group – Creative Solutions provides innovative SEO, web design, and video production services in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Rochester, MN and throughout the Midwest

This past October, one of MLT Group’s team members, Tori Utley, was invited to attend the first ever Forbes Under 30 Summit, a gathering of 1,000 hand-selected entrepreneurs, game changers, and innovators from all around the world who are under 30 years old. We were very excited to have had one of our staff members attending and wanted to share a few of the takeaways she learned from the exciting event.

1. Millennials are Unstoppable

Tori Utley Attends the Forbes Under 30 Summit This October

With the many breakthrough products, services, and ideas that the Forbes Under 30 Summit participants brought to the gathering, it was apparent that this is a generation that won’t settle. Millennials want the best – whether they create it or use it. How does this tie into digital marketing strategy? It shows that your strategy, website, and product matter. So long are the days where black hat digital marketing and SEO was truly effective – Google has become much more sophisticated and complex and will judge a site based on its quality, just like the millennials of the Forbes under 30.

2. Limits? What Limits?

If there was one underlying theme of the Forbes Under 30 Summit, it was the absence of limits on what a person can and cannot do to innovate in their industry. Although there are limits on what you can and can’t do to get ahead in the eyes of search engines, there are no limits on what you can do to exceed your customer’s expectations. Write great content, have a great web design, sharp graphic design, and more – these areas of your site are limitless concerning how innovative and creative you can be. All of these factors ultimately lead to greater search rankings, so go past the limits of traditional sites and see the reward follow.

3. Collaboration Matters

The participants of the Forbes Under 30 are secure in the fact that collaboration and teamwork are essential to success. In digital marketing, collaboration and teamwork come full circle in the practice of link building strategies. Just like in the real world of business, collaboration and link building cannot be cheated or faked. True link building that holds validity will be a collaboration between sites, all revolving around the generation of great content, a relevant site, and quality information for consumers.

Although there were many themes represented at the Forbes Under 30 Summit, we can all learn something from the members of the Forbes Under 30. In your website design, video production, SEO, or overall digital marketing strategy in Rochester, Minneapolis, or throughout the United States, remember – you have the opportunity to create unstoppable, limitless, and truly collaborative experiences for your consumers. As it has been said, content is king, and so is the quality you bring to the digital marketplace. Thank you, Forbes Under 30, for continuing to drive home these important concepts!

Google My Business: How Does it Fit Into Your SEO Strategy?

MLT Group provides SEO services and strategy in Rochester, St. Paul, and Minneapolis, MN, as well as throughout the United States.

In the world of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), you’ve heard of Google+ and the many ways it can be a benefit to SEO campaigns and marketing strategies. This year, Google announced the integrated Google+ platform to transition Google Places to the new “Google My Business.” Don’t forget this important new component in your SEO strategy. Contact MLT Group for SEO in Rochester, MN and throughout the United States!

What is Google My Business?

Google My Business is an integrated platform for businesses, both local and national, to gather information, promote reviews, and interact with consumers. This platform utilizes components of social media, directory listings, and traditional SEO to allow business owners to use a “one stop shop” for all digital marketing needs. Although there is still a place for these components individually, Google My Business is a unique and intriguing product that brings these digital marketing disciplines together in a way that will continue to evolve and impress search engines and users.

What are the benefits?

The benefits of Google My Business are endless. From a user perspective, this platform provides extensive information about anything from business hours to service offerings to direct interaction with customers. Having an integrated platform on the web provides the ability for businesses to remain organized in their efforts to establish greater brand positioning and overall web presence – all factors that correlate to a strong SEO strategy. Also, one of the greatest benefits is the ability to combine preexisting Google+ accounts on a central dashboard for ease of use and the ability to transfer accounts. This change was highly demanded by marketers, and is much appreciated now that the launch is complete.

What are the costs?

Although it is free to sign up for Google My Business, the service isn’t entirely free. Using Google My Business requires time – to post regularly, create new content, edit outdated information, interact with customers, and more. This can be incredibly time consuming, but efforts will not go unnoticed to Google. Using this platform further ensures the signal to Google that your company truly desires to merge real word marketing with digital marketing – to provide customers with the information they’re looking for and unparalleled service no matter the platform.

If you feel a Google My Business account is the right option for your business or if you would like to talk with a sales representative regarding an SEO strategy or web development services in Rochester, Minneapolis, or St, Paul, MN, call us today! We’re ready and willing to help you in your digital marketing needs, so leave the tough tasks to our group of highly competent digital marketing specialists. Contact MLT Group – Creative Solutions today!

FAQs About Web Hosting, Servers, and Other Website Services

MLT Group offers domain hosting and a variety of other website services, but what does it all mean?

When you first begin the process of a custom website design, it’s easy to get caught up in the design, color preferences, and functionality. But soon, the project manager will begin usin犀利士
g terms that are unfamiliar to you. Worse yet, the terms may be familiar, but you’re unsure of the correct answers to her questions. The internet and all of it’s nuances can be a confusing place! Don’t worry though; MLT Group is here with a brief guide into hosting and service terms to help your website design and build out go smoothly.

To simplify things, we’ll be associating each part of hosting and web services with a familiar household item or service. At MLT Group, we love a good analogy!

Let’s start with the easiest part of a website: the domain name. The domain name (and URL) of a website is a unique name that identifies an item on the internet, like your website. For example, the URL for MLT Group is, and the domain name is Essentially, the domain name is what is found after the www.

Think of a domain as a contact name in the phone book.

The next essential part is the IP address of your website. Also known as the Internet Protocol Address, this part of hosting has two purposes: 1) to host identification and location addressing and 2) to identify where the website is located. Because computers read in only code and numbers, the IP address is the number that your computer “dials” to reach your domain. For example, an IP address would look something like this:

Think of an IP address as the phone number in the phone book.

Website hosting is much less complicated than it sounds. Your website host is where your website files are kept. It is similar to renting out a building for your business. Without a host, your domain becomes disconnected, like a phone number without a phone company to support it. Additionally, the web host translates the code of your web files into the visual images that appear on your website. So it is essential to the user experience of your website to have your website published with a web hosting service.

Think of web hosting as the drawer in which you keep a phone book.

Contrastingly, the DNS, or Domain Name System, is a more complicated aspect of web hosting and development. The DNS houses the information for each domain name and IP address of all websites. It is the main database of the internet, and the internet would fail to work without the DNS. It translates the information easily between the domain name and the IP address. Additionally, the DNS records must be pointed at the host of the website.

Think of DNS as the phone book itself.

A name server is usually taken care of by the web host of your domain, as well as other domains that may be hosted there. A name server has DNS software installed on it so that all of the address and location information is easily available. The name server is where requests from your local computer are processed and translated from human language to computer code.

Think of the name server as your location, such as a house, where the phone book is kept.

A domain registrar keeps track of who owns what domain name. This can be different or the same as your hosting company. You renew your domain with a registrar so that you and only you have permission to use that domain or web address.

Think of a domain registrar as a landlord.

An A Record is completely different from a DNS record. What an A Record does is attach a domain name to an IP Address, making the dialing process simplified for both the user and the computer.

Think of A Records as speed dial.

Also associated with web services is an MX record. A mail exchanger record (MX record) is a resource with the DNS that tells senders how to send an email to your domain. Email operates by another set of rules, just as complex as hosting and other web services.

Think of an MX record as a post office.

So there you have it! The most commonly asked about aspects of web hosting and other website services. Luckily for you, we can take care of them all!

When you need a custom website design in Rochester, Minneapolis, St. Paul, or anywhere else nation wide, just call on MLT Group. With design, optimization, video and traditional marketing services, we can help you handle all of your marketing needs. Contact us today!

Have you heard about the new Google algorithm update?

MLT Group provides SEO services and SEO research in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Rochester, MN to help your website adapt to search engine changes

In the world of digital marketing, there is a common phrase – “King Google.” Well, at times King Google can be a difficult fellow, and once again the world of the web has seen a change in the way Google is operating. In July 2014, Google released an unnamed algorithm update dubbed “Google Pigeon” by SEO specialists. Thankfully, MLT Group provides SEO services in Rochester, Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN and throughout the United States to tackle the challenges that come with Google updates.

This algorithm change increased Google’s awareness of local search factors and national directories. This has increased the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) more than ever. Google is looking for search factors that are applicable to local searches, a component that is tackled by a well-optimized Google+ page. The negatives? You may see a decrease in search rankings as major directory competitors with high PageRank pull to the front of many search terms. SEO Specialists and Digital Marketers are hopeful this is a temporary adjustment and there are hopes that Google will reconsider this change.

MLT Group does not take Google algorithm changes lightly. In the event of an update, our team of digital marketers, blog writers, and SEO specialists collaborate to do anything and everything we can to adapt and adjust to the new atmosphere of Google. Here’s how we do it:

  • SEO Strategy – putting our heads together, collaborating ideas, and documenting a plan of action for your website’s SEO.
  • SEO and Web Research – a key to any online strategy is continuing education and research. We learn through best practices and lessons learned, and staying on top of research is our greatest asset!
  • Blog Writing and SEO Copywriting – Google has not changed its stance on fresh, new content. By using our blog writing and SEO writing services, you’ll ensure your site has content that will impress any of the Google algorithms!

MLT Group will handle your website’s SEO strategy with ease, even in the midst of a Google algorithm update. In our underground bunker, we’ll strategize and collaborate to tackle the toughest research questions and will provide stellar on-site SEO implementation so you can reap the benefits of a well-optimized page. For SEO services, website design, digital marketing, and more, contact MLT Group – Creative Solutions today!

MLT Group Overindulges with New Website Launch

We’ve set a lot of websites live recently, but this one was a real treat!

Dippin'StixOver the last two months, MLT Group has set multiple custom websites live. We have created numerous designs in various industries, but we recently launched a website in the food and snack industry… and we couldn’t wait to sample to products!

Dippin’Stix provides healthy snack options for lunches and people that are on the go constantly. 樂威壯
Each provides a fruit or vegetable serving with a delicious dip, all packaged for traveling convenience. After our recent launch of the site, we acquired some samples and the feeding frenzy began! Whether it was apples and caramel, carrots and hummus, or celery and ranch, each member of the MLT Group team enjoyed healthy snacks throughout the day.

Some other notable recent site launches include:

ServiceMaster by Libby Green (Bel Air, MD)
ServiceMaster Restoration by QuickResponse (Rockland County, NY)
Piranhas Basketball (Southeast Minnesota)
ServiceMaster Complete Restoration by Stiffey (Greensburg, PA)
Gentling Dental Care (Rochester, MN)
ServiceMaster Metropolitan (Jersey City, NJ)
Select Milling (Rochester, MN)

MLT Group is working hard on designs and build-outs for quite a few more websites. Be sure to check back frequently to see more of our work!

When you need website design and development in Rochester, MN or anywhere in the US, look no further than your local MLT Group. We provide creative solutions for all of your marketing needs, from print and graphics, to web development and digital marketing. Contact us today!

Important Website Update Today

A reminder to all clients: 

MLT Group will be upgrading our web servers tonight in order to provide a better user-experience and overall performance. This transition will occur after 5pm CST for the purpose of minimizing the disruption to business hours.

Please anticipate possible website delays or downtime during this period. If you are currently hosting email with us, these accounts may experience downtime as well, but your addresses and emails will be saved. This process may take 1-4 hours to complete.

We appreciate your patience as we work towards supplying the best service possible for your website.


Achieving Winning Search Rankings in a Competitive Search Environment | Rochester, MN SEO Services

MLT Group provides SEO Services and SEO Strategy in Rochester, Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN and throughout the United States!

As a business owner, you know the business market is competitive regardless of the industry you’re in. Unfortunately, the web world is no different. There are millions of websites available on the Internet, all competing for Google’s attention and for a place at the top of the search market. There has to be something to set you apart from your competitors, and in both the real world and web world, the differentiating factor is strategy. MLT Group – Creative Solutions provides SEO strategy for websites in Rochester, MN and the surrounding areas.

Formulating an SEO strategy is important to overcome the search rankings of your competitors. When a new website is launched and on-site SEO is implemented, there is a waiting game that must be played with the preexisting competition for that search. It can be frustrating to see competitors with sub-par websites outrank newly designed websites; however, don’t fret, the rankings will come in time. After a site receives an “SEO redesign” or is newly launched into the web world, Google needs time to “crawl” through the site’s changes and index the information. An ongoing SEO strategy is vital to ensuring your website doesn’t become stagnant. Posting monthly blogs, keeping an eye on competitors, updating relevant key phrases, and ensuring a great customer experience all accelerate long-term SEO strategy and rankings.

Your SEO strategy doesn’t have to be formulated alone – MLT Group wants to help! With years of experience in the industry, we’re on top of the recent trends, research, and customer interests. We’ll work hard to analyze your competition, your website, and your potential to achieve the search rankings you want. Contact MLT Group today to discuss plans for an SEO strategy to take charge of the competition!

MLT Group in the News

It’s been a busy day! Today, MLT Group staffers were interviewed by two separate news stations in the Southeast Minnesota area.


The first interview included owner Mike Pruett and the newest addition to our video production team, MLT Group’s airborne drone video camera. Mike provided the news station with a demonstration of the drone’s abilities and weighed in on trends in drone use across the country.

KTTC filmed footage of our new video asset in action and Mike explained how airborne video via drone is less expensive than shooting video from a helicopter, which is how we used to fill client needs for aerial footage.

The new quad-copter drone opens a world of filming possibilities. Only a month old, the drone has been used for a few projects already and big plans are in the works for other clients moving into the future. The KTTC segment will air Friday, July 18th.

The second interview was conducted by KIMT and featured Director of Production, Alexandra Slack. Prominent lawyers have been pushing to make new legislation that deals with the disposition of social media and email accounts after someone has passed away.

Though there are already procedures in place for social media accounts of those that have died, the new legislation being pushed would give loved ones access to all online accounts, including emails and other private accounts. There are definitely privacy concerns that will need to be addressed if this new legislation goes through. The correct course of action is still under much debate.