The Not-So-Science of SEO Services in Rochester, MN

MLT Group provides SEO Services in Rochester, MN and the surrounding areas to enhance your web presence.

The ever changing world of the web can be a challenging “cyber environment” to enter into as a new website. With millions of websites present on the internet, countless entities throughout the world are fiercely competing for users’ attention. Some websites present quality information, while others are well-crafted spam sites. Regardless of the website, they all face the same dilemma: How can I be found through search engines?

Because SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is not an exact science, many articles are being published about what to do and what not to do to be found by Google or other search engines. While articles are helpful in understanding the nature of search engine technology and SEO, read articles with caution. MLT Group provides SEO services and web development in Rochester, MN and throughout the United States to help with this digital domain dilemma!

Articles abound on the Internet to help companies or individual websites with their overall SEO strategy. Some websites will say “SEO is dead” while others cling to the SEO strategies of the past. However, neither of these tactics are beneficial to a website’s overall strategy. When reviewing research, it is important to remember that SEO has never been, nor probably ever will be, an exact science. Search engines such as Google change constantly, which places the practice of SEO in an ever changing environment of what to do and what not to do.

It is important to remember that although there are clues about what is right and wrong for on-site and off-site SEO, the world of SEO is a phenomenally gray area. At MLT Group, we trust highly regarded sources in alignment with our own proven research. We take review the research and data being gathered by quality sources and test it with our own findings to compile a quality strategy specifically designed for each of our clients.

Items to look for to ensure you’re reviewing a high-quality SEO article:

1. Experience of the writer or company
2. Affiliations of the website
3. Claims supported by research

At MLT Group – Creative Solutions, we value quality research with the highest regard. We consistently review trusted sources to see what we can change, what we can keep, and what we can look further into. The next time you read an article about SEO, know that SEO extremists and traditionalists may not always have the correct answer. SEO is not an exact science, so don’t put your website in the hands of those that claim it is. Instead, put your website in the hands of MLT Group’s SEO specialists and trust that we will do our research to bring your website the best results possible!

Battle Wounds: MLT Group’s Digital Marketing Staff Goes Paintballing


MLT Group’s digital marketing staff in Rochester, MN takes a break for some live-action fun

Last weekend, MLT Group brought the underground bunker to the battlefield in a paintball extravaganza. The 2nd annual paintball excursion was a great way for us to work on our strategy skills, quick responses, and team unity. Even with stretching and warm-up exercises before and after the game, we all walked away quite sore.

Just like in paintball, MLT Group is prepared with an arsenal of weapons to make your digital marketing campaign the most effective it can be. Our strategic methods help us succeed in both paintball and digital marketing. Without a solid plan in place, you may be casting too wide of a net in your digital marketing strategy. By concentrating your efforts, especially when it comes to SEO services, you can see and measure your results much more easily then by attacking randomly.

If you find yourself in need of web development, print design, or SEO services in Rochester, MN (or even across the US) contact the professionals at MLT Group. Our aim is dead-on when it comes to helping you achieve your digital marketing goals. To check out more photos from our paintball fun, visit our Facebook page.

MLT Group Tapes at John Marshall High School

Digital Marketing and Video Production in Rochester by MLT Group

Earlier this week, MLT Group helped with the production of a video promotion for John Marshall High School’s Spirit of Service Project. This Friday, April 11th and Saturday, April 12th in the John Marshall High School parking lot, you can donate your old but usable clothing, outerwear, and shoes. This donation will help raise money for the Warrior Canine Connection, which is an organization that provides care and training for service dogs for our country’s wounded veterans.

MLT Group was ecstatic to be a part of the filming, especially because we were able to visit with former intern, Grace Dokken. Check out the picture to the left with videographer Mike Pruett, student interviewers Grace and Haron Arama with US Army Staff Sergeant Patrick Zeigler and his service dog Ranger sitting to the right.

MLT Group provides video production in Rochester, MN for a variety of different events and organizations. We offer an entire host of creative solutions, including  web design, SEO, and digital marketing in Southeast Minnesota, Minneapolis, and throughout the US. Call us today for all of your media production needs or digital marketing services.

Hummingbirds, Penguins, and Pandas? Decoding the Google SEO Zoo

MLT Group provides web development, search engine optimization, and digital marketing in Rochester,MN and throughout the United States

If you pay attention to recent Google news, you may have heard the phrases Google Hummingbird, Google Penguin, and Google Panda. Of course, this sounds like very strange terminology when thinking about one of the largest information technology companies in the world. As Google would have it, these terms do not mean what they appear. Google has not taken a single hummingbird, penguin, and panda under its roof, though that would be an interesting sight to see! When you encounter strange “tech-talk” like this, MLT Group – Creative Solutions provides the answers to your questions regarding Google, SEO, and digital marketing in Rochester, Minneapolis, and throughout the United States.

Many websites compete for recognition and rankings on Google, and Google needs to respond to the competition. At Google, more weight is put on the quality of your website and the great content you publish, rather than the number of “tricks” you can pull to show up on the top of Google’s search rankings. Though the average person may be a step behind Google’s geniuses, those competing on the web have figured out tips, tricks, and solutions to achieving high rankings on Google, which is commonly phrased as Search Engine Optimization, or “SEO.” When too many people figure out the tricks, Google puts out a new algorithm, which changes the game and eliminates any quick tricks you many have uncovered to gain high search engine rankings. (These quick tricks that Google responds to are commonly referred to as Black Hat SEO, something that Google penalizes.) Each new algorithm has a specific name, with the past three being Google Panda, Google Penguin, and Google Hummingbird, the most recent algorithm change.

When new algorithm changes are implemented, Google raises the stakes. Websites are now required to have better content, better quality design, and user-friendly features. Though it can be frustrating when these algorithms kick in, the result is quite favorable – better websites, better user experiences, and the push to be smarter, wiser, and more intentional on the web. Rather than being confused about these algorithms, MLT Group provides solutions for your company and website – we handle the competition so you don’t have to. Digital marketing and SEO are constantly changing, and we must adapt to Google’s standards. Our web experts and SEO specialists are committed to staying informed and “in the know” with all of Google’s adaptations, which means you don’t have to do the grueling research and hard work! You can keep your focus on your customers, and we’ll keep our focus on you, your website, and the Google atmosphere.

MLT Group – Creative Solutions provides digital marketing, web development, and SEO in Rochester, MN and nearby communities, as well as across the US. Every time a new animal is added to the Google Zoo, the SEO Zookeepers at MLT Group are on top of it. For your Rochester and Minneapolis website solutions, contact MLT Group today!

MLT Group on Tour

Video Production for Rochester on Tour at the Capital by MLT Group

MLT Group Creative SolutionsLast Tuesday, March 11th, MLT Group – Creative Solutions provided video production, photography, and local business support for the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce’s Rochester on Tour. The annual event is quickly becoming a favorite of both residents and local business owners alike, as it gives Rochester, MN residents the chance to speak with legislative representatives and to advertise the opportunities available in our area.

The day began at the Rochester International Event Center before boarding the bus to the Capitol. After a tour of the capitol, participants were able to speak personally with representatives about current hot topics in Rochester, including Destination Medical Center (DMC), the expansion of the Mayo Civic Center, the High Speed Rail Study, and other legislative priorities. Since Rochester provides over $9 billion dollars in taxes to the state of Minnesota, participants were excited to make sure their voices were heard.

The bus ride up to the city was occupied with a video produced by your very own MLT Group to make sure each participant was well-informed about the current Rochester initiatives. MLT Group also provided photography throughout the day that will be available to the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce throughout the year.

Perhaps most importantly, the day-long event provided an opportunity for bonding between businesses and residents. Business owners from all over Rochester were able to take a day out of the office and really hear where residents and other business owners’ interests and concerns lay. MLT Group was proud to be part of such an impressive initiative from the chamber of commerce. One of our wonderful graphic designers even had the chance to make a new add for our business (see left).

MLT Group provides video production services in Rochester, MN to many local businesses, as well as many throughout the state. If you are in need of media production or marketing services, don’t hesitate to contact us at 507.281.3490!

MLT Group Unveils New Digital Marketing Scorecard

Website Design and Development in Rochester, MN by MLT Group


MLT Digital Marketing Scorecard
MLT Digital Marketing Scorecard

MLT Group – Creative Solutions has been hard at work developing a new reporting system for our clients. Throughout the brutal Polar Vortex(es) and countless parade of blizzards, the talent at MLT has been hunkered down in our brain-storming creativity bunker crafting and fine-tuning our newest quarterly report; the Digital Marketing Scorecard. We are very excited to offer our clients this new digital marketing service in Rochester and Minneapolis, Minnesota, and throughout the country.

The scorecard provides a score from 0 to 100 that can be assessed for both current and potential clients. With an assessment of 6 different aspects of digital marketing, MLT’s new scorecard is a simple, streamlined way to determine what else your company could do to improve its digital marketing, online presence, and rankings.

A look at the details:

Web Presence – This section deals specifically with the set-up of your current website and reviews it based on both user experience and digital marketing expectations (read: Google’s algorithms).

On Site SEO – When you work with MLT Group to SEO your website, we ensure that nothing is left undone, and that the site is thoroughly optimized as it should be from the biggest picture on the home page to the smallest link in the footer.

SEO Building – SEO is a process that continues long after the content is optimized and the site has been launched. We focus much of our energy on consistent blog posting and backlink building. Page Two of the scorecard also lists examples of your search engine rankings at the time of the report.

Social Media – Now more than ever, it’s important that your business be found through a variety of platforms. In addition to ensuring all information is consistent and correct, it’s also important to continually post fresh content to your social media sites.

Other Digital – In the world of smart phones and tablets, your site must work on all platforms of technology, or you miss out on business. To optimize your presence in the digital realm, no form of communication should be left untapped.

Stats – We want to make sure you have quantitative evidence of your successes with MLT Group. We provide stats information so you can see your quarterly progress, all in one convenient document.

MLT Group is very excited about our newest digital marketing scorecard and how it will help us better serve our clients. We hope that this will be a great resource for both those that currently work with us and those that may be considering MLT Group.

Contact us today for assistance with your digital marketing and web design. From Rochester, MN, to the rest of the world, MLT Group – Creative Solutions is prepared to help advance your business and digital presence in our ever-expanding local and global marketplace!

MLT Group Welcomes Tori Utley!

Tori MLTMeet Tori Utley: Communications & SEO Specialist

MLT Group is excited to announce the addition of Tori Utley to our team as a Communications & SEO Specialist.

Tori received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Addiction Studies from Liberty University in December 2012. She is  currently working to complete her MBA, specializing in Project Management and Marketing. Her experience includes a  background in chemical dependency counseling, working with international and executive patients at Mayo Clinic, and project management at Mission 21, a local non-profit organization. As MLT Group’s Communications & SEO  Specialist, Tori focuses on search engine optimization, marketing research, and other post-production duties, including  social media.

In her free time, Tori plays the guitar. In fact, she wrote a 4-song record with the acoustic band “Tomorrow We Live” which  you can check out here. She is a self-proclaimed coffee snob and coffee-tasting enthusiast (black coffee all the way!) and is  normally seen around the office with a cup of Moka in her hand. Speaking of The Office, Tori has seen every episode of the  television series and has a serious fascination with the character Michael Scott. Welcome to MLT Group, Tori!

Mike Allen Home Builders is Live

MLT Group is proud to announce the launch of the new website for Mike Allen Home Builders!

With over 25 years of building and remodeling experience Mike Allen brings great passion to all his carpentry work. Specializing in remodeling, commercial construction and new home construction, Mike Allen believes that surpassing customer expectations is the best way to succeed in the construction business.

MLT Group incorporated features like rotating banner images highlighting the quality of Mike Allen’s work, quick contact forms to encourage conversions from the site and an easy to update photo gallery.

MLT Group was pleased to surpass our customers expectations with this dynamic website design.

Bay & Bay Transportation’s new website is live

MLT Group is proud to announce the launch of the new website for Bay & Bay Transportation!

Bay & Bay is based in Eagan, MN and was formed in 1941 deriving its name from the original mode of tranportation used by the company, two bay horses. Over the years Bay & Bay has grown into a leader in the trucking industry.

MLT Group worked with Bay & Bay to create a website that would enhance the overall digital marketing brand and exposure for the company. MLT Group is also working with Bay & Bay on a Search Engine Optimization campaign to attract new clients as well as new drivers. The overall digital marketing campaign includes website development, search engine optimizaton, social media, graphic design and video production.

Soon you’ll be able to look  for MLT Group’s design work on a semi-trailer near you!