The Not-So-Science of SEO Services in Rochester, MN

MLT Group provides SEO Services in Rochester, MN and the surrounding areas to enhance your web presence.

The ever changing world of the web can be a challenging “cyber environment” to enter into as a new website. With millions of websites present on the internet, countless entities throughout the world are fiercely competing for users’ attention. Some websites present quality information, while others are well-crafted spam sites. Regardless of the website, they all face the same dilemma: How can I be found through search engines?

Because SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is not an exact science, many articles are being published about what to do and what not to do to be found by Google or other search engines. While articles are helpful in understanding the nature of search engine technology and SEO, read articles with caution. MLT Group provides SEO services and web development in Rochester, MN and throughout the United States to help with this digital domain dilemma!

Articles abound on the Internet to help companies or individual websites with their overall SEO strategy. Some websites will say “SEO is dead” while others cling to the SEO strategies of the past. However, neither of these tactics are beneficial to a website’s overall strategy. When reviewing research, it is important to remember that SEO has never been, nor probably ever will be, an exact science. Search engines such as Google change constantly, which places the practice of SEO in an ever changing environment of what to do and what not to do.

It is important to remember that although there are clues about what is right and wrong for on-site and off-site SEO, the world of SEO is a phenomenally gray area. At MLT Group, we trust highly regarded sources in alignment with our own proven research. We take review the research and data being gathered by quality sources and test it with our own findings to compile a quality strategy specifically designed for each of our clients.

Items to look for to ensure you’re reviewing a high-quality SEO article:

1. Experience of the writer or company
2. Affiliations of the website
3. Claims supported by research

At MLT Group – Creative Solutions, we value quality research with the highest regard. We consistently review trusted sources to see what we can change, what we can keep, and what we can look further into. The next time you read an article about SEO, know that SEO extremists and traditionalists may not always have the correct answer. SEO is not an exact science, so don’t put your website in the hands of those that claim it is. Instead, put your website in the hands of MLT Group’s SEO specialists and trust that we will do our research to bring your website the best results possible!

Battle Wounds: MLT Group’s Digital Marketing Staff Goes Paintballing


MLT Group’s digital marketing staff in Rochester, MN takes a break for some live-action fun

Last weekend, MLT Group brought the underground bunker to the battlefield in a paintball extravaganza. The 2nd annual paintball excursion was a great way for us to work on our strategy skills, quick responses, and team unity. Even with stretching and warm-up exercises before and after the game, we all walked away quite sore.

Just like in paintball, MLT Group is prepared with an arsenal of weapons to make your digital marketing campaign the most effective it can be. Our strategic methods help us succeed in both paintball and digital marketing. Without a solid plan in place, you may be casting too wide of a net in your digital marketing strategy. By concentrating your efforts, especially when it comes to SEO services, you can see and measure your results much more easily then by attacking randomly.

If you find yourself in need of web development, print design, or SEO services in Rochester, MN (or even across the US) contact the professionals at MLT Group. Our aim is dead-on when it comes to helping you achieve your digital marketing goals. To check out more photos from our paintball fun, visit our Facebook page.